Usage Policy

Azbil (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. Usage Agreement


Your use of this website (hereinafter called "this Website") operated by Azbil (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter called the "Company") is subject to the following terms of service (hereinafter called the "TOS").

  1. You may use this Website only after you have read and agreed to the TOS.
  2. The TOS may be updated by the Company from time to time without notice. You acknowledge in advance that your continued use of this Website following such update implies that you consent to be bound by the updated version of the TOS.
  3. When you visit any website of a company related to the Company linked from this Website, your use of such website is subject to the terms of service provided therein.

Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

Any copyright in works contained in this Website is vested in the Company, original author or other rights holders. Except as permitted in accordance with the Copyright Law of Japan, you are prohibited from making any use of such works (including any copy, transmission, distribution and modification thereof) without the consent of the Company. Whenever you make use of such works beyond the scope permitted in accordance with the Copyright Law of Japan, you shall notify the Company to that effect in advance to obtain the approval of the Company.

Any information release by the Company through this Website does not constitute a grant of any right in copyrights, patents, designs, trademarks or any other intellectual property of the Company or any third party.

Any copyright in software provided by the Company through this Website is vested in the author thereof, and the use of said software shall be subject to the provisions of the relevant software license agreement to be presented upon providing each software. Therefore, you shall use each software in accordance with such provisions, the Copyright Law of Japan and other applicable laws.

Any right in the trade name, trademarks, marks and logos of the Company used in this Website is protected by the Trademark Law of Japan, the Unfair Competition Prevention Law of Japan and other applicable laws. Those marks may not be used without the express consent of the Company.

Prohibited Acts

When you use this Website, you shall not:

  1. commit an act which infringes or is likely to infringe any property or privacy of a third party or the Company and any of its group companies;
  2. slander, defame or threaten a third party or the Company and any of its group companies;
  3. commit an act which causes or is likely to cause any disadvantage or damage to a third party or the Company and any of its group companies;
  4. commit an act which damages or is likely to damage any reputation or credit of a third party or the Company and any of its group companies;
  5. utilize this Website for any business activity or other profit-making activity;
  6. commit an act which offends or is likely to offend against public order and morals such as indecent and profane acts and comments;
  7. commit an act that could to lead to harmful programs such as computer viruses being used or provided, or that would create a situation in which such use or provision would be likely to occur;
  8. commit an act which violates or is likely to violate any law (including applicable export laws); and
  9. commit any other act contrary to the TOS, in addition to any of the preceding items, that interferes or is likely to interfere with any operation of the Company or a third party.

Provided Information

The Company has refrained from receiving your information including your ideas, proposals and materials related to your technology, sales activities or products (hereinafter called the "Information"), except where the Company expressly requests Information through this Website.

You acknowledge in advance that if you provide the Company with Information without receiving any express intention of the Company to exceptionally assume the confidentiality thereof, the Company does not have:

  1. any obligation to maintain the Information in confidence;
  2. any obligation to use or evaluate the Information; and
  3. any responsibility including the payment of any compensation or other fees to you for using the information identical with or similar to all or part of the Information.


While the Company has paid the closest attention to all information contained in this Website, in no event shall the Company warrant that this Website is up-to-date, valuable, fit for a particular purpose, functional or safe, or contains no computer virus or other destructive element. Furthermore, the Company is not responsible for:

  1. any damage caused by use or nonuse of the information contained in this Website;
  2. any damage arising from deletion or update of the TOS or any information contained in this Website, and cessation or suspension of the operation of this Website; and
  3. any matter related to a website to be accessed by you through the links on this Website. You hereby understand that the inclusion of a link to a company's website does not constitute such company an affiliated company or partner of the Company.


Links to this Website may be made without permission; provided that you acknowledge in advance that any page within this Website other than the top page thereof ( is subject to change or deletion without notice. The Company has the right to refuse, and request deletion of any link that does, or is likely to:

  1. come from a site which slanders or defames any director or employee of the Company and any of its group companies;
  2. come from a site which offends against public order and morals;
  3. come from a site which damages the credit or dignity of the Company and any of its group companies;
  4. show this Website in a framed page or other manner which obscures the fact that the original content come from this Website;
  5. show this Website in a manner which misleads a third party into believing that an entity making such link has a certain special relationship with the Company and any of its group companies such as partnership or cooperative relationship;
  6. show this Website in a manner which misleads a third party into believing that the Company and any of its group companies recognize or recommend a site using such link; and
  7. come from a site or show this Website in a manner which is deemed inappropriate by the Company.

Governing Law and Court of Competent Jurisdiction

The interpretation and application of the TOS shall be governed by the laws of Japan. Any lawsuit arising in connection with the TOS or this Website shall be brought in the Tokyo District Court for the first instance.

Conditions of Use

Some pages on this Website use JavaScript. If JavaScript is not enabled in your browser, such pages may not function or be displayed properly. Therefore, you are required to change the settings of your browser to enable JavaScript in viewing this Website.

  1. JavaScript is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
Usage Policy
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