Sharing Knowledge to Local Community
Azbil (Thailand) Co., Ltd. has a plan for sharing our knowledge and technology (Measurement and Control) to local community for 200 students. This year, we start our good activity and opportunity for 100 students.
On 21st October 2022, Azbil (Thailand) Co., Ltd by Solution and Technology Center (STC) teams had provided Control Valves Basic Training Course to 35 persons who are 4th year students from King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok-PRACHINBURI Campus (Instrumentation and Automation Engineering Department). We share the latest technology of Control Valve, Smart Valve Positioner with Advanced Diagnostic, Smart HART Communication and IIoT for preparing themselves to meet the industrial expectation.
Furthermore, on 2nd November 2022, we continued to share our knowledge and technology to our communities for sustainable growth, we had formulated the training course to High Vocational Certificate 2nd and 3rd year grade students for 65 persons of Thai-Austrian Technic College. We provided the training course for Control Valve Basic, Smart Valve Positioner and Accessories - Smart HART communication course including IIoT and we have the mini laboratory in afternoon session, the students can be more familiar with instruments and technology which will bring more experience to them.
We attempt to achieve the one of our SDGs activities for “Goal 4: Quality Education” and also with “human-centered automation” as the Group Philosophy at the foundation of its business activities, the azbil Group works to fulfill its corporate social responsibility (CSR) by assisting in the continuous development of society.

Activities on 21st October 2022, Azbil (Thailand) Co., Ltd. provided control valve basic training courses at King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok-PRACHINBURI Campus.

We provided the Products demonstration to 4th year grade students at King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok-PRACHINBURI Campus.

Activities on 2nd November 2022, Azbil (Thailand) Co., Ltd. provided control valve basic training courses including Smart HART Communication session to High Vocational Certificate 2nd and 3rd year grade students of Thai-Austrian Technic College whose located nearby Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate.
The Local natural environment
To achieve azbil SDGs for Environment and Energy Goal, On 26th September 2022, Azbil (Thailand) Co., Ltd. participated garbage collecting around our communities at the Solution and Technology Center (STC).
Furthermore, Solution and Technology Center (STC) with our partners both customers and vendors adopted CSR activities along with Y2022 waste separating the PET bottles and upcycling by joining “YOURTURN PLATFORM” which is plastic wastes management platform that opens opportunities for everyone to comprehensively create value from plastic waste together by the local petrochemical manufacturer name PTT Global Chemicals (Public) Co., Ltd. This activity will be a part for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and decreasing the impacts that cause global warming and climate change.

Almost 50 persons from head office and branches participated.

We collected wastes around Solution and Technology Center (STC).

10 kg PET to recycle (23.2 kg-CO2)
“Journey to ZERO”
Azbil (Thailand) Co., Ltd. joined the recycle project “Journey to ZERO” with G Land. The goal for this project is the proper waste separation (plastic, glass, can and paper) from the source (home, office) for reducing waste to landfill to ZERO.
We provide the recycle bin at our office to encourage our employees for separation the waste by started from plastic bottles.
This activity, Azbil (Thailand) Co., Ltd. contributed as part of aG’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the environmental.
Let’s start from ourselves, Keep our environment sustainable.

Azbil (Thailand)’s Staff separate plastic bottles and send to the Recycle Station

Recycle bin at Azbil
(Thailand) Office

The Recycle Station at G Garden